Community Events & News Around Higley Flow

Upcoming Events

For upcoming events in and around Colton, be sure to check the News pages at
Those are the official Town events, which we won't duplicate, however we will continue to post events and news that do not qualify for coverage on the official Town website.

News Around Higley Flow

(News items reprinted from unless otherwise noted.)

Jeff Rouselle is asking you to watch for this survey coming up soon to help Colton:

"Complete Streets survey !"

The Planning board has been working with Clarkson University and the St. Lawrence Health Initiative to implement a community survey which will help us write one chapter of a comprehensive plan for the town. This chapter centers around pedestrian infrastructure. I would love to get your assistance to get the word out to all of the HIgley Flow members, especially those who might be seasonal and otherwise be more difficult for us to reach locally. The Survey will be live in February and March. "

I'll be posting links as soon as the Survey is available.

 Colton Fire and Rescue Dept. 911 sign campaign

Colton Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department is sponsoring a drive to help ensure that 911address numbers are readily visible, to help them find your home when responding to an emergency.

The Department will, free of charge, provide materials and install 911 signs for residences, in their service area, that need improved signage. (Donations to offset costs are appreciated.)

If you are interested, please call: Jeff or Angel Angleberger (262-2072), Scott McRobbie (262-2296), Abby Johnson (727-2556), Jake Crosley (261-9016) or Chelsea McKinley (265-1605).

New Signs Go Up, Rope Swings Come Down

After a recent accident, where a 40 yr. old man broke his leg, the Park has removed at least two rope swings.  These rope swings, while popular, were not erected with the permission of the Park.  At about the same time, these new signs appeared at Old Beach, a popular gathering place for boaters looking to rest and cool off on the hot summer days.  The signs replace older ones that simply warned: "no swimming", and now it's apparently against the rules to even beach your boat at that location.

It will be interesting to see how this is enforced and if warnings or fines result for violators.

As information, a member of the Park has provided this map of the actual boundaries of the Park.  You will notice that their ownership extends across half of Stump Bay (Warm Brook Flow), State Park Bay (what's shown as Higley Flow) and to the junction of the Raquette River.

Kudos to the Colton & Parishville Rescue Squads (by Kay Hassett)

We were out in our boat around We were out in our boat for a couple of hours today....we were on our last loop around the Higley State Park area around 4 PM.

All of a sudden we saw some people on the peninsula straight in front of our place. They asked us to call 911....a 40 year old father was there with his three children. He had tried using the boat swing...apparently hung on too long and slammed his leg into the bank coming back in. He had a broken leg, with the
bone coming through his skin!! I called 911 for them and two of his children swam out to our boat and we took them to the boat launch so they could alert other family members. I told the operator that the rescue people will need a boat and they'll have a difficult time getting him down the steep slope.

We went over to boat launch and waited for the rescue folks. The Colton rescue ambulance was there first and another boat took some of their EMTs over to the injured man. Three rescue squad men brought a small (fishing) boat and tried heading out; but, their boat wouldn't start so we ended up towing them over.
The Parishville Rescue boat arrived shortly afterwards.

A party boat appeared and the rescue squad folks were finally able to get him onto that (poor guy was screaming with pain!) and then over to the waiting rescue squad at the boat launch. It wasn't an easy thing to accomplish due to the steep slope and the pain that the gentleman was in.

There are three rope swings along that area....only accessed by walking way around to the end of the peninsula. We've said right along it's "an accident waiting to happen"....well, today was the day!

Followup: 8/10/15

Rope Swings not swinging today.... (Kay Hassett checked it out):
I heard the chainsaws around noontime, then Jim and I went out in our boat later this afternoon to check on things.

They removed the ropes and cut off the branches....the trees were left standing; but, no one will be swinging from them again.
